East of Bath Interchange Station Concept |
Alternatives to the private car to access Bath City centre
from the east are essential for a balanced transport strategy for the city. With the abandonment of a proposed Park
and Ride site to the east of the city, Callidus set itself a project challenge to
come up with an alternative solution.
The result is a new two tear interchange station at the roundabout junction between
the A46 and the A4 London Road. The
idea requires visitors to the City to make a seamless interchange from one bus to
another bus at the interchange station.
Buses from dispersed locations outside of the city, including other rural Park and
Ride sites, drop passengers off at the interchange.
The passengers then continue on their journey to the town centre on frequent
shuttle services that operate along the A4 London Road to the centre of the City.
The interchange station is built within the existing A46
/ A4 London Road roundabout junction.
It is proposed that a light weight structure is built over the central island of
the roundabout. This would house the
waiting areas, information boards and a help desk.
In addition, the interchange station could also include cafes, shops and
tourist information. /span>
From the roundabout level, lifts and escalators would transport
passengers to the lower level where north-south orientated platforms would be located. General through traffic would remain
but speeds would be reduced and safety barriers installed.
Sound insulating material could also be used to absorb noise from passing vehicles.
Artist's impression of the interchange station at the A46 / A4 London Road junction |
The circulation of buses around the roundabout could be
on a special segregated bus lane and possibly in an anti-clockwise direction so
that the bus doors always face towards the inner kerbline.
A tidal flow bus lane in the centre of the carriageway on the A4 as far as
the Gloucester Road junction would give buses priority inbound and outbound from
the city throughout the day.
This scheme utilises existing transport infrastructure
to create a public transport interchange. The environmental impacts would therefore be minimal.
In fact it might be argued that this would be an enhancement to an existing
heavily engineered highway scheme.
Elevation of the interchange station |
Potential Park and Ride sites could be located much further
afield as the time taken for buses to get to the interchange is much less than if
they also needed to travel into the centre of Bath.
Therefore, Park and Ride sites at the M4 / A46 junction or the A420 / A46
junctions could be economically feasible.
Reduction in motorised traffic from the east of the city will contribute to the
wider Transport Strategy for the city. This in turn will enable environmental improvements to be made throughout the city.
North to south buses interchanging with east to west shuttles |
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