Callidus Clients |
Asbri Planning |
Eden Vale Young |
Mendip District Council |
Avon and Wilts Mental Health Trust |
Enzygo Ltd |
Norbert Dentressangle |
Barton Willmore LLP |
Extra Care Charitable Trust |
North Bristol NHS Trust |
Biossence |
Falcon Ltd |
Oaklodge Homes Wessex Ltd |
Bovis Homes Ltd |
Fosse-Way School |
Origin3 Ltd |
Brabant Ltd |
Frontier Estates Ltd |
Pensycor Ltd |
Bath and North East Somerset Council |
GL Hearn |
Persimmon Homes SW |
Bath Tourism Plus |
Grundon Waste Management Ltd |
Place Studio |
Care Village UK Ltd
Plymouth Argyle FC |
Castleoak Care Homes Ltd |
HCC International Ltd |
Redland High School for Girls |
Citimark Partnership Ltd |
Hill Residential |
Redrow Homes |
Charles Church Homes |
Huntsmans Quarries |
Rexon Day |
The Clifton Diocese |
Imerys |
RGE Energy UK Ltd |
City and Country |
Imperial College London |
Rogerstone Woodworkers Ltd |
Clive Onions |
International Power plc |
Royal United Hospital Bath, NHS Trust |
Comparo Ltd
Jones Lang LaSalle |
SITA (UK) Ltd |
Cornwall County Council |
Kier Group |
SUEZ Recycling and Recovery Ltd |
Crosby Lendlease |
King Development |
Shepperton Homes |
Curo |
Lafarge Aggregates Ltd |
St John's Hospital |
Cushman and Wakefield |
LaSalle Investment Management |
Strongvox |
David Jarvis Associates |
Legal and General |
Swindon Commercial Services |
Deerfield Development |
Lioncourt Homes Ltd |
Talus Construction |
Dorset County Hospital |
Lower Severn Drainage Board |
Taylor Wimpey |
Dorset County Museum |
Lumicity |
University of Bristol |
Dow Corning |
LXB Properties Ltd |
University of the West of England |
Dyson Technology Ltd |
Ministry of Justice |
USF Nominees |
EcoBos Developments Ltd |
MRMU Ltd |
Walker Developments |
Education Funding Agency |